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About Sarena Elias

I've had a love for writing and photography for as long as I can remember. As a kid, I used to sneak away with my dad's old SLR film camera and snap random pictures of anything and everything I could find - I wanted to tell a story through pictures. I would wait with great anticipation as those pictures were being developed (back then it was at least two weeks) and when I got them back it felt like Christmas! We may have embraced the digital age of instant gratification but the anticipation of seeing what we've captured never gets old for me. I believe the stories we tell through photography and the written word will last a lifetime for our clients and that's how much passion we put into our work.

Eric and Tanya

Just days before Eric and Tanya's wedding we received a call from their photographers asking for our help. As a husband and wife team they had committed to shooting their friend's wedding but unforeseen circumstances were preventing it. Not wanting to leave them in a lurch, we cancelled Mark's birthday plans and instead he headed [...]

By |2016-10-24T00:12:21-04:00October 22nd, 2012|Photos, Weddings|0 Comments

Introducing Noah Theophilus Elias

Clearly parenthood has consumed ALL of our time in the last while. So much so that we haven't even had time to post about our little bundle of sweetness that we were so patiently waiting for last entry. After a seemingly endless wait, we finally got to meet our son on Tuesday February 21st at [...]

By |2016-10-24T00:12:21-04:00August 11th, 2012|Babies, Photos|0 Comments

Stan and Verena

Stan and Verena's wedding day was absolutely stunning - phenomenal weather, a beautiful location and a gorgeous bride and snazzy groom! The location they chose for their photoshoot was a dense forest on their ceremony property and the setting sun made for just that extra element of magic! We had a wonderful time capturing these [...]

By |2016-10-24T00:12:21-04:00October 17th, 2011|Photos, Weddings|0 Comments
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