This sweet family was such a joy to photograph. Their love for their son and coming daughter was so evident and it was melting my heart to watch the interaction between them all. While their son was the focus of this family photo shoot, they have since welcomed their daughter and I’m sure she will just increase the adorable meter that much more. Thank you for the opportunity to capture some special memories. I look forward to meeting your newest addition and adding more cuteness to the blog!
The Machado Family
About the Author: Sarena Elias

I've had a love for writing and photography for as long as I can remember. As a kid, I used to sneak away with my dad's old SLR film camera and snap random pictures of anything and everything I could find - I wanted to tell a story through pictures. I would wait with great anticipation as those pictures were being developed (back then it was at least two weeks) and when I got them back it felt like Christmas! We may have embraced the digital age of instant gratification but the anticipation of seeing what we've captured never gets old for me. I believe the stories we tell through photography and the written word will last a lifetime for our clients and that's how much passion we put into our work.
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